Dream A Little Dream…

Dream a little dream

Cinderella had them, The Little Mermaid had them, and so did every other princess in the history of princesses. They all, despite their flaws and setbacks, were courageous enough to dream. If a fairytale character made up of pastel colors and damsel in distress syndrome can do it, so can you. I dare you to dream a little dream…

Somewhere between being a little girl playing dress up in our mother’s high heals and being the bill paying adult, a little bit of the magic got lost. The world around us lost some of the wondrous amazement that kept us up as children, wondering about the stars and the creatures that go bump in the night. With the magic drained, we sometimes forget the beauty in a color packed sunset and the faith held within our deepest dreams. Dreams, the little butterflies that fly around our heart lifting us up into a place of hope and faith. A dream is a wish your heart makes….

What does your heart want? Yes the day to day can sometimes serve as a distraction, but underneath all of the ho hum, is the familiar flutter of your dreams. Forget about the bills, the deadlines, and what’s for dinner. For just a moment think about the dreams for your life. What makes your heart go pitter patter in a silly way? What image in your mind brings a lopsided 3 year old smile to your perfectly glossed lips?

Those dreams aren’t just child’s play, they are the building blocks of our future. Dreams serve to navigate us along the waters of happiness and energy. They help to remind us that even in moments of darkness, there is still light shinning from within us. Dreams complete the core of our beings, tied together with morals and substance. We are all at our center, dreamers. Dreamers, go getters, laughers, dancers, hardworkers…. we are all so very unique… but in so many regards we are all the same. We all just want to be happy.

What do your dreams say to you? Do you long for a lake to paint by or a corner office with an assistant named Jeeves? Embrace these dreams and use them as your map. You may not have exactly what your dreams blueprints require, but live your life piecing together that blueprint. It takes one spark, one line, one piece to get started. Don’t bottle your dreams up and put them on a shelf to be forgotten. Open them up and allow them to take form one magical moment at a time. Don’t expect instant gratification, I’m not selling you “Insta-Dream” just add water and stir…..poof dream realization. Enjoy the journey, live your dreams, share your warmth. If you’re willing to open up to your dreams, you dreams will be able to open up to you.

I want to encourage you to keep little notes, sketches, pictures, however your brain works, of your dreams. Maybe you long to own a house with stables, so you use EverNote to compile the perfect horse stables. Perhaps start a collection of recipes for when you open your cafe. Set aside even $1 dollar a day for your dream vacation to Ireland. Every step, every moment, will bring you one step closer to realizing your dreams. You can have whatever your heart desires if you are truly willing to embrace and move towards that dream. Dreams aren’t handed to us with a brightly colored bow, they are embraced and worked towards. The great thing is, when it comes to dreams, the “work” part is half the fun.

I would love to know what some of your dreams are, share in the comments.

As always until next time….

Keep it Sassy & Classy,

B's Sig

Heck No Boring, Hello Mission Fun! Who’s With Me?

Ladies, I am on a mission, and I want to drag you along for the ride. That’s right I want you to be my partner in crime because that’s what sassy gal pals do. We tag right along for all adventures without a second thought. Us women, we have to stick together.

Who’s with me….

That not so ravishing creature above is me, not all the time, but when I think about my impending birthday (psssst the big 3—–0) I turn into a hot ugly crying mess. Sure sure it starts out innocently enough as I glance at the calendar in my office or the date on my phone. Then my basic math skills taught to me by my evil 3rd grade teacher kick in, revealing the number of days left in my 20’s. This is when the panic while rocking in the fetal position comes into play. In short… I lose my ever loving mind.

After choking back the ugly tears and bubbling nose goo (you know it’s not just me), I came to a realization. It’s not so much the number *cough**couch* 30 that terrifies me, it’s the negative imagery that I associate with that specific number. To me 30=adulthood and adulthood=lame-o-ville. Now don’t get me wrong I’m a responsible gal, I’m not afraid of being a “big girl”…. I’m afraid of being boring. I don’t want to wake up the morning of my 30th birthday and suddenly only be able to talk about stocks and pot roast. Translation, “I don’t want to grow up, I wanna be a toys-r-us kid”.

I don’t want to wake up, work, eat, sit on the couch, sleep… Rinse and repeat. NO! I don’t want to stop having fun no matter how many years I’ve been dancing around on the Earth. I want to pay the electric bill, but I want to do it while dancing around in my underwear singing off key to a hairbrush. I want to buy groceries, but I want to start a game of tag in the middle of the produce isle, TAG you’re it. I will even gladly wait in line at the dreaded DMV, but I just might smile and spark up random conversation with those waiting in the never ending line along side me. To continue my thought from yesterday, growing up doesn’t have to mean growing boring. We are as exciting and full of life as we choose to be.

Trust me ladies if I had a magic wand I could wave to make my thighs smaller (like they use to be) and my boobs perkier (like they use to be), I would. Not only would I use that magic wand, I would share it with all of you, because I’m a giver like that. Alas, I’m wandless… But I’m not without a fun idea. Perhaps fun is an understatement, I’m thinking it’s on the verge of quirky. Quirky on the verge of Fantastic. Fantastic on the verge of… You know you want to do this…. Allow me to explain.

I found this list of To Do’s circulating around social media world and I found myself wanting to do them, why? Why not! I tweaked the list a little and came up with 7 funny to do items. Are there at least 6 other adventurous souls out there who would want to take on at least one of these silly To Do items with me?




Mission Fun To Do List:

  1. Pick one (at least) to do list item (see above)
  2. Post down in the comments what to do list item you are taking on
  3. Record or otherwise document completion of said to do list item
  4. Let’s all link up to share in the humor

Honestly life is too short to be lived boring. Who wants to have some fun with me? Anyone, anyone? Join in, in the comments.

As always, until next time…

Keep it Sassy & Classy,

B's Sig

Almost 30 Life Crisis

And blog hiatus… End scene.

From my beautiful part of the world to yours, Happy New Year! I know I’m a little behind, but better late than never I always say. At least I say that whenever I forget something of importance. I promise I have a good reason for going awol. Maybe you can relate.

I can sheepishly admit that I am timidly knock knock knocking at 30s door. About this time next month I will be leaving the feisty world of my 20s and stepping into the unknown world of my 30s. To say I’m terrified and a bit sick to my stomach would be an extreme understatement. This “Almost 30 Life Crisis” caused me to spend the last couple of weeks looking, relooking, and looking yet again at my life.

Oh my gosh… Now what do I do?

Just me? It can’t just be me standing in front of a mirror with a major life milestone looming ahead with a look of sheer terror on her face. I’m not alone in this, how have I spent my last almost 30 years and what do I want to do with my next 30 year moment am I? Seriously someone say they are or have been in this position before or I might just cry into my coffee… Yes coffee at 1:15pm, that should tell you the kind of day I’m having. Coffee….coffee….coffee….

I remember thinking 30 was ancient, saying things like, “When I’m old, you know like 30, I’m going to blah blah blah.” I wish I had a time machine to go back to that clueless 15 year old and smack her upside the head. I can say that “young” little girl I once was has spent her time up to now living a scared life. I follow the straight and narrow, never venturing off the sidewalk, because I don’t want to risk getting hurt. I live a life surrounded by mile high walls that even prince charming himself couldn’t climb. These 29 years have been spent running around like Chicken Little…. The sky is falling… The sky is falling…run for your lives.

Upon reflection, I’m tired of the feathers, I’m ready to strut my stuff. It surprises me how easily I can admit that I’m clueless at 29. I could let that scare me, or I can grasp this opportunity to reinvent myself. Isn’t that what life is about, reinvention, making things new again? I don’t think age determines reinvention, reinvesting, or recommitting.

Reinvention: You, like me, are a work in progress… Never ever make apologies for that. If you still have a breath in your chest and thump in your heart, you can change. If you were blessed enough to wake up this morning, you have the strength inside you to make a new difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Don’t wait, look within your heart and find out what sets your soul on fire. Reinvent the old into something new and wondrous. You are never trapped, you have the freedom to be exactly who you create.

Reinvesting: Invest in yourself again. You are a hot commodity and you above everyone else needs to know that. Take time for you, even if only a few moments a day. Workout, meditate, paint, cook, write, dance, sing off key… I don’t care what you do, but do something each day for just yourself. If you love to take long showers, embrace the high water bill and become a mermaid. If you like to shake your groove thing in the kitchen download some new recipes. Whatever it is that you like to do, do it for YOU. If you aren’t investing in yourself, you won’t be able to invest in others.

Recommit: Commit to loving yourself and those around you to the fullest every single day. Each day, each second, is such a blessing. Love yourself for the amazing traits and for the works in progress. Forgive yourself of past mistakes and become excited for the moment you are living. Free yourself from OCD stressful planning, and leave a little bit open to the imagination. Love those around you with your entire heart and remember to forgive easily. Lashing out at people you car about only isolates those we love from one another. Embrace the unique differences we all have and treasure those moments. Laugh with each other, support one another, and again most importantly forgive one another. Together, don’t sweat the small stuff. Life has a funny way of working out when we stop trying to make it work out.

So, I guess… Welcome to my almost 30 life crises. It’s nice to have you along for the ride.

As always until next time,

Keep it Sassy & Classy,

B's Sig