12 Days of Christmas Blogging: DIY Orange Dream Sugar Scrub

Day three of 12 Days of Christmas Blogging brings us to, DIY Christmas Gifts. I love this one. Raise your hand if you like soft skin. Raise your hand if you like soft skin that smells amazing. Raise your hand if you like to have soft skin that smells good AND you don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for it. I thought so me too.

Forget pricey scrubs, this  DIY sugar scrub is so good you can even eat it. That’s right, this scrub is 100% edible so you aren’t smearing any yucky chemicals on your skin. Do I have your interest? Good keep reading…

I may not be the craftiest person in the world, but I still love the feeling of giving a DIY gift. I know that venturing into stores this time of year is fantastic fun, what with Christmas music and the holiday season people watching, but there is a personal element that is missing. DIY gifts always add a touch of, “Hey you, yah you, you’re worth it.(Winky Face)” (I’m sure that sounds silly, but DIY gifts get me all warm and fuzzy. Here is one of my favorite DIY projects, this is super easy, if I can do it so can you. I promise.

Orange Dream Sugar Scrub


Zest from 1 orange (two oranges if you want it extra orangy)

1 tsp. vanilla extract, (two tsp. if you want it extra dreamy)

1/4 cup EVOO (Extra virgin olive oil)

1 cup Sugar

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(This can easily be double or tripled for larger batches, I did a single batch for this DIY how to)

Combine all of your ingredients into a mixing bowl and stir until fully combined.

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Once all of your ingredients are combined, put your delicious smelling mix into mason jars or other storage containers. This single batch made three of these containers for me. Add a beautiful bow or wrapping for a little extra pizzazz. You can’t go wrong with ribbon.

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I have made this for a few years now and it’s always a big hit. I’ve used it for both stocking stuffers and bigger gift combined with a  loofa. Spa products are awesome and the Orange Dream Sugar Scrub, won’t disappoint. The entire process took me less than 5 min, so you can make several in no time at all. Perfect for stockings or treats for the ladies in the office. My man friend won’t admit it, but he uses it sometimes as well, but that will have to be our little secret.

Try it out and let me know what you think. Do you have a favorite sugar scrub recipe? Thank you so much for sharing in Day 3 with me, I’m loving this Christmas adventure. Tomorrow we talk, Christmas music. If you are are 90’s kid like me you won’t want to miss this.

Until next time lovelies…

Keep is Sassy & Classy,